Month: April 2013

  • If time is all I have

    We said "time is love".
    It's about how much time in your life you'd like to spend with me.
    Not money, which you can always earn it back sometimes later

    And if time is all I have..

    How heartbroken James Blunt was when he's singing this song on stage..?
    There were tears on his face.
    He was weeping when he sing this lyrics out

    "If time is all I have,
    I'd waste it all on you."

  • 發現今天無論做甚麼事臉上都掛著笑容


  • 悲慘的四月

    又有一陣子沒有打字. 要打篇近況.
    late Mar - Apr. 該是全地球最 chur 的時候吧
    還有一大堆 project proposal..
    "jit" 出來打 resume 的時間是 12am-3am......

    沒錯. 我打了自己人生第一份 resume.  [F.5 那份不計..]
    從來都沒找過工作,, 從來都是工作找到我
    所以一直都沒有打過 -.-
    近日有 job referral,, 帶來我上一篇的迷思之餘..

    時間關係,, 當然找好友的 resume 做 reference
    事後發現這份 A 級 resume 是經過好多人 comment 修改而成................
    而我一出手就有得抄. @@ 好慚愧 @@
    多謝你啦好朋友 ;)


    見了份 eMarketing
    好 I.T. 又要寫 programme..
    如果真是會請我.. 我不知道我能不能做得好.......

    再 indirectly 見了某上市公司主席
    但是人家打算請我做 finance..... even though i know nothing in this aspect....



    ......... i look like i'm in finance field?????



    Hating accounting is a known fact.
    Finance probably has an even lower place on my list..........
    let's see what will happen on monday..




    I really hate spring.
    It brings us only rain, virus and sickness.

    瞧. 我由 Apr 1 至 現在. 病痛都接著來.
    現在又來一個 eye problem.. /.
    whatever goes in my eyes goes in my throat too..
    and it tastes like shit.

    dear eye medication,
    can you stay where you are suppose to be..?




  • What do I do. What do I do.

    I was always considering to get an actual job. But I'm always just considering.

    Now that a referral job that can allow me my morning vocal teaching class, I typed my very first résumé in my life last night.

    I'm not a professional at all, have just graduated for a year.
    I did a few jobs before, but in fact they are all still this same job, in the same industry.

    I did participate in different kind of activities when I was young, while I did nothing representative these few years.. Not that I really did nothing, but no one with a job can do much now.
    While I was listing my award and activities, I was quite amazed of how multi-tasked I was..
    Ai. The old me.

    And I don't know how capable I am anymore.. After all these years hang in here.. I did nothing.

    It is hopeless in this industry and in here now. However, there are hopes in the coming investment projects, in the untouchable future.

    Future. Hope. But not solid.. Again.

    I thought we could do great when we left Modern Education to go Cantab.
    We did, and then Oten messed everything up.

    I thought we could fix the Oten shit.
    We did, and then David Chiu messed again.

    I thought we could fix David shit.
    We did, and then Ms Luk took everything away.

    I thought we could do it all over again. But no, not in here, not with this criticized boss, unsupportive staff and poor administrative management.

    But am I really leaving when they are in this hard time?

    What do I do. What do I do.
    I'm terribly confused right now.